Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Something I made earlier

Update: here are the pictures:
So, I have three (yes, three!) sweaters to show you. Well, don't be too blown over, I didn't complete all three of them today, but I just got round to taking pictures now, so I thought I'd share.

Blogger is being an arse and not letting me upload any pictures (anybody else having this problem?), so pls come over to my site to have a look:

Lady Marmalade sweater
Ciliegia sweater
Lacy sweater with peplum


Anna xxx


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sponsor me please!

Hello everybody!

I shall be running the 5km in the Hydro Active Women's Challenge in support of the Alzheimer's Society on 3rd September 2006.

I would love for you to come and cheer me on, but if you can't then I'd be even happier if you could spare a few pounds and donate whatever you can to the Society. It really doesn't matter how much you give, it's the thought that counts.

I'm hoping that with your support we can help towards care and research in this debilitating illness that seems to be destroying more lives now than ever before.

So please sponsor me now!

Many thanks for your support. You have no idea how much it means!

Anna xxx


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Modern Arts & Crafts

Hello Angels,

Brooke asked me to post the following, which you might like to contribute to. Happy crafting!

Anna xx


Modern arts & crafts at 96 gillespie: November/December 2006

Dear all

We're starting to work on an exhibition that explores handicraft, both
within & outside the practise of artmaking.

Our thoughts are to look for artists & craftspeople who generally don't use machines, or who use machines in controlled ways, to produce work that requires a repetitive action. We're interested in modern spins on traditional method. But also on the traditional. Or on things that demonstrate or define 'craft' within or instead of 'art'. (let's discuss!)

We've chosen the November schedule, because it is indeed the beginning of the season of long nights & woolly socks. But as well, in Newfoundland there is an annual crafts fair in the run up to Christmas, that celebrates & promotes craftsmanship & craftmaking. It's a lovely tradition: seasonal & warm.

Do you know anyone who fits the bill?

Best, 96G



Thursday, August 03, 2006

Yarny giveaway

Hello Angels,

It' that time of the month again... competition time, of course! ;)

I am giving away some yarny goodies. For more info and how to enter, take a look here. Good luck + happy knitting! :) Anna xxx


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