Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Blog

New Blog? Old Blog?

Hi Angels. I have updated the blog to run on the new blogger system. Ah but it looks the same you might say. This is true, the style that Anna designed for us and our template are all the same. However, posting should be faster and pics easier to upload.

We also have a new email address essential for running blogger which I will try to moniter as best I can, so anyone who wants to register as a member who has not given their details to any other Angel, could you send me an email? I will also work on trying to get links up to all of our blogs, websites and pages.
I Need to talk to Anna about that because blogger has templates that are easy to manage but she has a customised version she designed for us.

This does mean that signing in to make a posting has changed ever so slightly so now you need to sign in to

The New Blogger
Name: angelknitslondon@gmail.com
Password: Not changed, same as before (only a few members have this and this will not change at the moment)

However, if you don't know the password to contribute don;t let that stop you! You can email me at either
erssiemajor@yahoo.co.uk OR angelknitslondon@gmail.com
If you wish to contribute to the blog, send your Word Doc of what you wish to say and JPEGs as attachments in an email and I will copy and post up as fast as I can.

We can chat on gmail as well, so perhaps we can have live discussions!

Anyway, members new or old, do contact me at the following address


with the following information

Angel Knits London Questionnaire

There is no obligation to give all details but if you would like to introduce yourself to other members fill out this form and give it to Erssie or email to her angelknitslondon@gmail.com

Email address:

Area in which you live: E.g. Enfield or North London (do not put full address see below)
Website/blog/page URL:
e.g. http://www.erssieknits.com,

Textile interests: e.g. Knitting/crochet/spinning/weaving
Knitting or Crochet level: e.g. Do you consider yourself beginner/novice/intermediate/advanced

How long have you been practicing your craft?
What are your favourite types of projects?
E.g. small projects hats and socks

Do you follow patterns or do you design your own items?
E.g. I use patterns for inspiration but like to adapt them for my yarn choice and colours and shape

Have you ever studied for a qualification in a textiles related subject or worked in this field or been published?


Do you or would you like to work on group projects in the future?

Would you be happy sharing/teaching a skill to new members?

Are there any skills which you would like to acquire from another member? (We could have group tutorials given by members on a particular night e.g. How to crochet a flower or How to do Kitchener stitch (on a sock toe), I would be willing to teach for a pint!

What are your favourite magazines, books websites or craft links?

How often do you attend Angel Knits

How long have you been a member?

Do you belong to any other knitting organisations? If so which ones?

What are your current WIPS (works in progress)?

Which FO's (finished objects) did you complete within the last year?

Can you tell us about your worst knitting/crochet/textiles disaster?

Lastly, would you be happy to share the information above? (In accordance with the DPA)
a. Not at all, totally confidential

b. with other members only via email or at AK Tues night

c. Quite happy, please put up on the AK blog

Could we have a jpeg of you and your current WIP (work in progress)?

Also, not to be shared or put up on the website i.e. confidential

You do not have to give these details and they will not be used or given away for marketing or any other purpose than keeping in touch with Angel Knitters.

Your telephone no:

Mobile No: if different from above Address:
